If you are dealing with chronic pain, recovering from an injury or putting renewed effort into your emotional stability, we can help. We are staffed by compassionate and concerned staff and led by our Doctor Oh. Dr. Oh is a highly-trained and experienced medical practitioner. We offer acupuncture, acupressure, electro-acupuncture, therapeutic massage, Qigong, moxibustion, heat therapy, reflexology, gua sha, and we also offer Chinese herbal medicine remedies.
Holistic Treatment
Chinese medicine has long held that the body is a unified system and that an interruption in the flow of the energy, known as chi, can cause a number of physical, psychological and spiritual ailments. The treatments we offer are all aimed at removing these interruptions. When the flow of energy has been restored, the balance of energy can be fine-tuned.
Personalized Service for a Variety of Problems
When you seek help at Newport Acupuncture Center, we will first listen to you. Then, we will develop a personalized treatment plan for you. Your complaints are unique to you, and so the treatment needs to be too. We create treatment plans for emotional issues such as anger and depression, and for issues faced by women, such as fertility and issues experienced in menopause. For older patients, we offer plans that will address issues involved in diabetes, prostate issues and problems people face in recovery from a stroke.
No matter if the problem you are seeking help for is physical, mental, or spiritual, Newport Acupuncture Center will be able to create a personalized treatment plan to get you balanced and strong again. Call today for an appointment.