• Are you finding yourself out of control emotionally?
  • Are you jumpy and overreacting to small irritations?
  • Are you crying at the least provocation?
  • Are you having mood swings?
  • Is your anger out of control?
  • Are you expressing emotions out of proportion to the irritant, or at inappropriate times, or lashing out at people who are not to blame?

Reestablishing the Balance with Acupuncture and Acupressure

Your emotional well-being and stability are intertwined with many other aspects of your life. There is a saying you can not always change things around you, but you can change the way you react to these things. One thing that can help you react to the stressful world around you is to be sure that you are moving from a point of optimal balance. Emotional instability is caused by an imbalance of essential energies. Inner balance is something that Newport Acupuncture Center can help you with. We offer acupuncture and acupressure, as well as other services that can help you regain the emotional stability you rely on to deal with day-to-day stress.

emotionalTreating Emotional Instability at Newport Acupuncture Center

Many of the treatments offered at Newport Acupuncture Center work on a two-fold basis. They work on an external basis in that they help to increase blood flow and relax muscles in a troubled area. The also work on an internal basis to give you a boost of endorphins and help restore the flow of chi to your meridians.

We all have to deal with stress on a daily basis, and usually, simple coping mechanisms can help us get through the day. There are other times though, that it seems that your emotions are out of control or that they are simply getting the best of you. When you find yourself feeling out of balance emotionally, turn to Newport Acupuncture Center for help.